
Rugby World Cup

Visiting the Twickenham Rugby Stadium In Comfort and Style

The Twickenham Rugby Stadium is home to the RFU (Rugby Football Union). Simply called Twickenham or Twickers by locals, the 120 meter by 70 meter field was a cabbage field way back in 1907 until it was purchased for £ 5,500. If you want to visit this a well revered icon of British rugby, one of the best things you can invest in is good chauffeuring service so you can get there in comfort and save your energy for going around the stadium and cheering during the game.

This year will be busier than any, simply because of the World Cup!Twickenham visitors will learn that the stadium is only the largest one in the world dedicated to rugby. All of England’s matches will be held there, setting the stage for what we hope will be a triumphant world cup. Getting there in style should be your other priority. A World Cup only comes around every 4 years, and for it to happen in England is very rare. So it’s definitely a special time. Arriving in a Mercedes E class, chauffeur driven, from your house to your seat is something that will add the your special day. Are prices are extremely competitive as well so take a look now.

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